WHO: Saving mother's and children's lives
Produced in August 2011, this video highlights that every year, an estimated 360 000 women die in pregnancy and childbirth and around 8 million children die before their fifth birthday. Millions can be saved if the right health care is available.
Ohum's Public Health Solution ensures that women and children around the world enjoy their right to health.

Solution Objectives
- Reduce medical errors
- Daily MIS Reports - SMS Reports
- Be ready for effective and early epidemic management
- Create a health database for population health programs
- Ability to do data analysis for effective public health policy planning
- Have access to longitudinal, lifelong health records for chronic disease management
- Facilitate real-time morbidity trend analysis for early public health interventions
Aging Population
It is predicted that from the year 2000 until 2050, the world's population over the age of 60 will be around 2 billion. This increase is mostly occurring in less developed countries where the older population will rise from 400 million in 2000 to 1.7 billion by 2050.
Increased Cost of Care
Healthcare costs are rising rapidly. Use of costly drugs and new technologies, rising costs of diagnostic equipment and complex pre & post programs are the common reasons behind it.
Limited Resources
When the World Health Organization specifics the minimum ratio of doctor to patient ratio as 1:1,000, India has only one doctor per 1,700 citizens. Apart from shortage of doctors, there is a severe shortage of equipment and hospital beds.
Increased Patient Expectation
Patients are becoming more vigilant and expect better quality, care and immediate attention from the healthcare providers.
Larger Disease Burden
The rates of chronic diseases are dramatically increasing across all countries. In the year 2002, worldwide, 60% of the deaths were due at least in part to chronic diseases - And approximately ¾ of the world's chronic disease-related deaths occurred in developing countries. The major chronic diseases are: cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and stroke
Key Technology Challenges
Information technology is playing a vital role in improving the quality of care, controlling healthcare costs and increasing efficiency. With the tremendous growth in HIT over the last few years, both public and private healthcare sectors are able to meet quality standards and better serve the patients.
Ohum Healthcare offers an open data platform to deliver world class personalized life-long care to all people around the world.

key challenges in healthcare technology are:
- Complex Software Applications
- Clinicians Usability
- Universal Unique ID
- Evidence Based Guidelines
- Integrated Supply Chain Management
- Real-time Analytics
- Single-hosted Comprehensive Solution
- Ongoing Support
- Productivity
- Family Health
- Benefits Management
- eClaims
- Cashless
- Cost Controls
- Chronic Care Management
- Predictive Health
- Single Longitudinal Medical Record for Life
- Timeline View for Self Care & Monitoring
- Self Management
- Second Opinion
- Self Motivation
- Healing Plans
- Disease Surveillance
- Integrated Programs
- Preventive Health
- Primary Care
- Centralised Data
- Tele-Health
- Rural/ Tribal Programs